Neilston Medical Centre 1 High St, Neilston, Glasgow G78 3HJ

Repeat Prescription Requests

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

We aim to process prescription requests within 3 working days and they are then routinely forwarded to Neilston Pharmacy for collection after 4pm. 

If you do not wish your prescriptions to be sent to Neilston Pharmacy you can provide us with stamped and addressed envelopes and the prescription will be posted to you.

Thank you.

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat prescription requests can be made in each of the following ways. 

  1. Online repeat medication requests can be made via the request form which is available via the ‘Order Repeat Medication’ link at the bottom of this page. Once completed the form is then sent electronically to our practice.
  2. You can submit a written request to the practice with your name, date of birth and medication requested (slips are available in the porch in reception, if needed).
  3. You can make the request using the tear off slip from the right hand side of your prescription and returning this to the practice.

The practice does not accept prescription requests over the telephone.

Thank you.

What is the difference between a repeat and acute prescription?

A repeat prescription is a medication that you are provided with on a regular basis by your doctor.

An acute prescription is a medication which you may well receive on a regular basis from your doctor on request, however, there are occasions when the doctor does not immediately (or ever) add it to your repeat medication list. This may be because it is a new medication you are trying out, or because the particular medication needs regular monitoring/attention and may not be appropriate to be given indefinitely on repeat.