Neilston Medical Centre 1 High St, Neilston, Glasgow G78 3HJ

Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and Responsibilities

Please keep any appointments made.  Be realistic about how many medical problems the doctor can deal with in one appointment.  Please promptly advise us of any change to your name, address, or telephone number, by telephoning the practice on 0141 880 6505 or  using the appropriate form on our website.

A copy of our Practice Charter, which provides further information on patient and Practice rights and responsibilities, is available on request.  Should you wish a copy, please request this from Rosaleen Kelly, our Practice Manager (contact details: telephone 0141 880 6505, email:

The Scottish Government “Charter of Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities” can be accessed via the following web pages:

The Charter of Patients Rights and Responsibilities | NHS inform

The Charter of Patient Rights and Responsibilities My health, my rights, my NHS – Charter of patient rights and responsibilities – revised: June 2022 – (